Legal information

The company is the publisher of this website.
The company is a limited liability company registered in Paris under number 792 355 612.
Its head office is located at: 71 rue du Théâtre, 75015 Paris – France.

tel : 01 47 42 55 03

Information technology and civil liberties

Personal data provided to is used exclusively to process orders or for commercial relations with our customers. It will not be shared with any other entity or third party. Your personal information will not be sold, shared or distributed to anyone other than our carpet manufacturers and carriers who require this information in order to ship your order.

You have the right to access, rectify and delete any data concerning you (art.34 of the French Data Protection Act) by e-mail to the following address: or by post to the following address: Un Tapis à Paris – 71 rue du Théâtre, 75015 Paris – France.


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